Monday, October 29, 2012

Being a student at Middle East Technical University

My home University is the University of Bremen, now I am at METU (Middle East Technical University) for studies abroad.
My first impression of METU was that it’s like American Universities. It was new for me that a Campus side is separated and people only come in with an ID, it was new that teachers and students can live directly at the University area and also the feeling of an own society at METU was new for me.
I don’t really know how to describe my feelings, because I’m just a temporarily student and that’s how some people and teachers treat me. I think that I am lucky to be in our department , here it is different than in my other classes. My impression is that teachers are fine with it when foreign students are coming to their classes, they are interested in others opinion, they take care and want to include you as a “normal” or real METU-Student. That’s what I really appreciate!
My other classes are stricter (means: you shouldn’t ask why to do something, just do it because the teacher said it!), the teachers are not interested in different opinions and often they keep talking in Turkish and other students have to translate it for me and other foreign students. The simplest thing to recognize that they are not interested is, when they never ask you “What’s your name?”. I’m sure that at least two of five teachers didn’t ask me about that. But well…
Let’s talk about nicer things. I really like the fellow students! All people I really talked to are open minded, polite, interested and take care of other people. It is amazing how helpful students are at METU. I enjoy discussions we have with each other, the curiosity from both sides.
In the end I would like to say that, for myself, I feel like a METU-Student. It took around about two weeks at University but since that time I do identify myself with the view I have from METU-Students and I want to take this attitude back to my home University.

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