Monday, October 29, 2012

Ideal University

My idea of an ideal University starts with the setting. It can be like ODTÜ, with green areas, forest, chestnut trees and a ring-bus. The buildings should be different in their architecture. The building of humanities would be a kind of art nouveau, engineering would have more modern structures in their building, and faculty of education would have big windows and floating shape. Of course the other faculties also have a specific architecture BUT all have the same color at the frontage, because it should be a kind of unit.
This unit can be changed by students, but just by their own work! They can let run color down from the top of their building, but only when they are able to organize it. It is allowed to put posters or kind of street art on the walls of the building, as long as the majority of the faculty is ok with it. If not, every student is allowed to put it away or change it. I hope that this helps student to identify themselves with their building and that they create a message they want to tell people who come to their faculty.
Studying at this University would be more for yourself and not for your potential employer! There would be an international system ( like bologna is) but it would be more open and it would be without pressure of time. You are able to choose courses from other studies, if you are interested in. At this University it would not depend if you graduate with 23 or 32 because everybody would know that you took your time to learn things for yourself and not only to be a “good”-member of society.
In my ideal University everyone is allowed to come in because it is a place where you can swap ideas and opinions with every type of human being. Working class, graduated, undergraduate, professors, grandfathers and grandmother are discussing and every opinion is worth the same. Of cause my ideal University is utopia but when I reflect this short text and ideas I wrote down, I have to admit that I took things I experienced in Bremen and here at ODTÜ.

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